What's Next, Los Angeles? with Mike Bonin

Nithya Raman: A Progressive Champion in the Los Angeles Death Match

February 21, 2024

Councilmember Raman has fought for renters, solutions to homelessness, strategies  to combat climate change, and smart, effective programs to promote public safety. She has made significant progress — and now she is being punished for it. Special interests are spending a fortune to defeat her, reverse progress, and kneecap the progressive movement. She joins Mike and Peter Dreier to  discuss their article in The Nation this week, reporting on the campaign against her.  Their article, "Los Angeles Death Match", (the online title "LA’s Corporate Class Wants to Reverse Progressive Gains"), focuses on the combined assault of corporate landlords, the police and firefighters associations, and right-wingers are fighting like hell to defeat her.  She talks about her love for LA, tackling big challenges, and fighting the bullshit.

The Nation: Los Angeles Death Match

Raman's re-election website: https://www.nithya2024.com/