What's Next, Los Angeles? with Mike Bonin

Reggie Jones-Sawyer for City Council: Candidate Spotlight

February 27, 2024 Mike Bonin
What's Next, Los Angeles? with Mike Bonin
Reggie Jones-Sawyer for City Council: Candidate Spotlight
Show Notes

Since 2020, L.A.'s 10th council district has had a revolving cast of councilmembers, both elected and appointed. Now, voters finally get to choose a permanent, voting representative on the council.There is a big and impressive field of candidates   – and on this episode I talk with Reggie Jones-Sawyer.

An Assemblymember representing South Los Angeles since 2012, Jones-Sawyer revived the chamber's Progressive Caucus and has chaired the Public Safety Committee, where he was pushed major legislation to reimagine public safety and promote alternatives to incarceration. Prior to his election to office, Jones-Sawyer was an officer with the Los Angeles County Democratic Party. He served for several years in various capacities for the City of Los Angeles, including as deputy mayor, an assistant general manager, and director of real estate.

You can find out more about his campaign here: https://www.reggieforla.com/