What's Next, Los Angeles? with Mike Bonin

How do we fight Big Money $$$ in elections?

Mike Bonin

How can we fix a broken political system? How can we re-energize grassroots democracy? How do counteract the poisonous influence of big money in our elections? One big idea is something called "democracy vouchers."

“Democracy vouchers” is a campaign finance system in which all residents are issued vouchers that they can donate to political candidates who, in turn, redeem them for public campaign funds. Democracy vouchers help democratize campaign finance by both: empowering ordinary citizens to participate more in the financing of political campaigns; and empowering political candidates to run for office without relying on — and spending as much time courting — wealthy donors.

In this episode, Mike talks with Mike Draskovic, an organizer working to get a democracy voucher program in Los Angeles, and with Teresa Mosqueda, the first person elected to the City Council in Seattle after that city implemented a popular and robust democracy voucher system.

Los Angeles for Democracy Vouchers

Seattle's Democracy Voucher Program

Teresa Mosqueda
Government Site- https://www.seattle.gov/council/mosqueda
Campaign Site - https://www.teamteresa.org/
Twitter: @TeresaCMosqueda
IG: @teresacmosqueda/